Reviews January 2005

Band Album Grade Written on...
Lanfear Another Golden Rage 8 January 1st, 2005
Lord Bishop Rocks American Lies 9 January 7th, 2005
Darkseed Ultimate Darkness 3 January 8th, 2005
Dustsucker Rock'n'Roll Sniper 7 January 8th, 2005
Nasum Shift 9 January 8th, 2005
Scar Symmetry Symmetric In Design 10 January 8th, 2005
Souledge Exterminate The World 8 January 8th, 2005
Broken Stars Startin' With Dreams, Ending With Memories 9 January 13th, 2005
Rise-Up Death Inside 8 January 15th, 2005
Hideous Mangleus Shadows That Kill 9 January 23rd, 2005
HateSphere The Killing 6 January 29th, 2005
Inborn The Headtrance Session 9 January 29th, 2005
Kreator Enemy Of God 9 January 29th, 2005
Secrecy Dictums Of Power 7 January 29th, 2005
Woog Riots King Of Pop 8 January 29th, 2005
Buried Inside Chronoclast 9 January 30th, 2005
Man Behind Glass Demo 7 January 30th, 2005

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