ROSENSTOLZ - Macht Liebe

Rosenstolz - Macht Liebe

12 songs
46:55 minutes
***** ***


Rosenstolz are one of Germany's most popular and eccentric pop duos, maybe because they have presented many faces during the last twelve years. They consist of singer AnNa R. who has a well trained voice and songwriter/keyboarder Peter. Their new and seventh album is called Macht Liebe and Rosenstolz surprise with the opener and first single Sternraketen. This song is sounding as if recorded 20 years ago and is a authentic tribute to the Neue Deutsche Welle cult movement. Although not every song is as 80ies orientated as this one, lots of them are a kind of danceable synthie pop with computer rhythms. The title song mixes electro with pop elements and on this song, Rosenstolz got supported by 2Raumwohnung, a band which is musically not too far away from them. But Rosenstolz also present their sadder side with Es tut immer noch weh, their second single. The CD contains some more ballads, all played at a high level. The album offers an excellent mix of pop songs and atmospheric slower songs. I also like the lyrics which treat themes like love, sex, sadness and happiness. Rosenstolz have underlined why they are one of Germany's most successful bands.

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