SEVEN THAT SPELLS - My Mommy Wants To Kiss Your Mamma

Seven That Spells - My Mommy Wants To Kiss Your Mamma

7 songs
54:49 minutes


The psychedelic cover artwork with retro looking nude chicks prepares you for a no-holds-barred acid rock trip from a Croatian band that is hugely inspired by Acid Mothers Temple and of course all the acid and kraut bands that came before. This should be prerequisite enough for a good album, but unfortunately, Niko Potocnjak is no Makoto Kawabata, and the rest of the band doesn't reach the level of the Japanese forefathers either. This means that you have a rhythm section that drowns in the overall mix, and a keyboarder who at times adds this quirky Hawkwindish sounds but too rarely really can compete with the rambling guitar whose omnipresence shows the guitarist's confidence but also lacks at times the truly inspiring ideas.

Maybe you need to swallow psychedelic substances before being able to enjoy Seven That Spells, but as I can listen to AMT on any sober day, I just think that STS lack the compositional skills and are prone to get lost in long solos in long songs all ranging from six to twelve minutes. With a clearer sound and a more emancipated behaviour (meaning that you should hear more than just the guitar most of the time), STS have the capacity of becoming one of Europe's finest acid rock bands, but until then they need to work on their discipline to make their music also accessible for non-users.

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